Documentary Movie
"The Yakaolang Spring" -The Portrait of an Afghan family-

in Sendai



What's "Yakaolang Spring"?

The Sendai Screening Committee
@of "Yakaolang Spring"

Katahira 1-3-2-907, Aoba-ku, Sendai





Show in Sendai

November 3, 2004
Studio Theater, Sendai Mediatheque

day@ open 2F00 @start 2F30
night@open5F30@ start 6F00

adult \1000
elementary & junior high school students \500

œWhat's "Yakaolang Spring"?
œJapanese only.
œAfter screening Keiko Kawasaki, the directer of this movie, talks about what she saw in Afghanistan (in Japanese).
We have only 180 sheets. Please make a reservation by phone (070-5621-2301jor E-mail. You can also buy tickets at "Cafe Mozart"iMaruwa Building, next to "Sendai Forus").


map:Sendai Mediatheque


Photo Exhibitons of Keiko Kawasaki



Cafe Mozart
11F00am`11F00pmiNov.7 `8F00pmj
Ichibancho 3-11-14-3‚e, Aoba-ku(next to "Forus")


The Sendai Support Center
for People's Activities

@9F00am`8F00pmiSun `6F00pmj
Honcho2-8-15, Aoba-ku


The Art Exhibition on Jozenji Street
Jozenji Street Green Belt


¦admission free




